

Delivery time depends on the item’s location.
When placing an order, please pay attention at the country of the sender. For example, if the seller and the buyer are in the USA, then the item will be delivered to our department review in the USA in less than a week, in this case delivery will take 5-12 days.

If the seller and the buyer are in different countries, the item will be delivered to the nearest SELLUXURY checkpoint and only after that will be sent to the buyer. In this case, delivery takes 15 to 30 business days. (At the moment we have 3 checkpoints for sellers in Ukraine, Israel and USA).

According to our terms and conditions, the buyer can only cancel the order if the seller has not yet sent the item out. The status of your purchase can be tracked in the user's personal account.


We offer free shipping within USA, Ukraine and Israel.

Standard Delivery costs for international buyers is $135


INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING might incur customs or import taxes.

SELLUXURY has no control over these charges and we can't tell you what the cost would be, as customs policies and import duties vary widely from country to country.

It might be a good idea to contact your local customs office for current charges before you order, so you are not surprised by charges you were not expecting.

Information about which country your order will be sent from, located on the page of each item in the 'Delivery' section.

For more questions about delivery, please contact us directly.
