Be confident in the authenticity of your items!
SELLUXURY has a zero-tolerance policy for fake or counterfeit branded goods. We thoroughly inspect all items to ensure they have the appropriate brand markings, serial tags, hologram stickers, blind stamps, date codes, and microchips. If we have any suspicion that a submitted item is not authentic, it will be returned to the seller after payment for the authentication process.
Would you like to verify the authenticity of your item before selling it?
Order online authentication now!
SELLUXURY is an officially registered company in the United States, with branches in Ukraine and Israel. Any collaboration or transactions with us are governed by the terms and conditions outlined in the Information section on our website.
According to our website's terms of use, specifically section 14.2, we assume full financial responsibility to ensure the integrity of the seller's item and ensure timely payment for sold goods.
It's crucial to understand that the resale of expensive branded items or the quick buyout option requires mandatory product authentication before the seller receives payment. We combat attempts to sell non-original items through our platform daily, making authentication a necessary procedure. Unfortunately, without it, receiving advance payment is not possible.
We understand the importance of prompt payment for our clients, so we strive to complete the authentication process within 24 hours of receiving the item.
We make payment immediately after authenticating your item, which usually takes 1-2 business days.
Payment to a card.
International bank transfer via SWIFT.
SELLUXURY does not cover any commissions from money transfers
One can sell items on SELLUXURY from any country, except the following: Russia, Belarus, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Sudan, Tunisia, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Mali, and India.
We offer free delivery of goods for sellers located in the United States, Ukraine, and Israel via postal services such as FedEx, Nova Poshta, Eco Post.
Sellers from other countries can send their goods to the main office address of SELLUXURY in the United States using any postal service.
When one sells their item using our quick buyout service, it will be individually evaluated based on the specifications and information about its condition provided by the seller. We also take into account the item's current market value and the economic situation in the country. If the item is sold through our marketplace, the seller sets the price themselves, excluding the marketplace’s commission.
If the item for sale turns out to be a counterfeit or the condition of the item you claimed does not match its actual condition, the transaction will be cancelled, and the item will be returned to the seller at their expense.
More detailed information about the transaction cancellation one can find in the sales terms, section №15.