How to create effective photos to quickly sell branded items on Selluxury?

How can I take beautiful photos of clothes and other items when trying to sell them on various online resale platforms faster? This question interests many sellers of original products from luxury brands.

As you know, the success of selling an item via Internet marketplaces depends on how detailed you describe the product and how informative the photos are. Ads with beautiful high-quality images attract a lot more buyers, promising faster and more profitable deals. Selluxury's tips will help you to present your branded product in the most advantageous light and quickly free up space in your closet.

Preparing the product for a photoshoot

The items you are going to photograph should not be dirty or wrinkled. If necessary, before shooting, the product must be washed or dry-cleaned. Then the branded item should be ironed or given the proper shape with the help of a steamer, depending on the manufacturer's recommendations for the material care.

Think about the lighting

Capturing the item's true colours in the photo largely depends on the correct choice of lighting. Daylight is best, while artificial lighting can add yellow or blue tints that change the product's colour. During the photosession, there should be enough light so the photos do not turn out too dark.

Выбор правильного фона

Фотографируя брендовую вещь для продажи в интернете, обратите внимание на задний план снимка. Необходимо, чтобы фон не отвлекал внимание от продаваемого

Choosing the right background

When photographing a branded item for sale on the Internet platforms, pay attention to the background of the picture. It is necessary that it does not distract attention from the product being sold and does not give unwanted reflections on the fabric. Light solid colours work best. For beautiful photos, choose the most neutral backgrounds: white, light gray, beige, light brown, sand, and other shades. A well-lit plain wall is also perfect as a backdrop. If you cannot find a neutral background, you can use modern computer programs and applications to remove and replace the background.

How to arrange an item for photography

Wardrobe items of thin fabrics look better on a coat hanger or a mannequin. Laid out on a horizontal surface, they look sloppy and ugly, unlike products made from denser materials. Models made of rigid fabrics that hold their shape well can be photographed on a coat hanger and by laying the item flat on a table or floor. Remember that the picture should give the buyer an idea of ​​​​how the product is tailored. Therefore, it is better to lay out the product neatly and symmetrically. At the same time, the buttons should be fastened, and the belt should be tightened so that the item does not look too voluminous and shapeless. If possible, show how the product looks on a figure. This increases the chances of a quick sale at a profit.

Location of the product within the frame

For the picture to describe the item as informatively as possible, it must fall into the frame entirely. Make sure that the hem of a long dress or coat sleeves is not left out of the photo. Pictures that include some space between the edge of the image and the product look better, allowing the buyers to visually assess the size, proportions and cut of the item, which is very important when selling online.

Shooting angles and number of photos

The more informative and high-quality photos you provide, the faster your item will find a buyer. Agreed, it is quite tricky to decide to buy an expensive branded product from one picture. For the product to find a new owner faster, provide buyers with the following images:

  • front view;
  • rear view;
  • the condition of the lining or the inside of the product;
  • a close-up of label showing the name of the brand and the size;
  • a close-up of any decorative elements and hardware;
  • the texture of the material at close range;
  • product defects, if any present;
  • dust bag, original box, branded packaging of the product if they are available.

When selling a bag, provide buyers with photos of the accessory from the front, side, and bottom, as well as a photo of the interior of the bag, an image of the brand's logo, and its hardware. If you're photographing shoes, don't forget to show the heels and soles.

Finally, it is worth noting that to create good photographs, it is better to use high-quality equipment. A professional camera or smartphone equipped with a high-resolution camera will help you capture clear, blur-free shots of your product.

Create high-quality photos and sell branded items profitably on the Selluxury resale platform!


