The online store is your personal best intermediary for purchased goods pre-owned items of fashion brands at affordable payment. Our online platform specializes in real exclusive creations are pre-owned.
We propose profitable agreements on unnew premium goods, both for vendors and fashion connoisseurs, all over the world.
Every lux creation - from the section Dark Red Alaia Bags: sdfsd, Damier Canvas Neverfull MM Bag, 'Angry Cat' Embroidered T-Shirt - passes through an authenticating process by lux goods. This is done by using a special ENTRUPY microscope as the device for it. The final outcome will also be derived from more than ten years of our own knowledge in the world of original items.
What does selling procedure are previously used branded products look like? The merchant showcases their unit Chanel Boy Medium Fur, Monogram Canvas Eva Clutch Bag, Lockit MM Magnolia on the The online shop website. The moment when a purchaser is found, the product must be sent to our main office for the verification and condition check.
We are available in all countries, giving the opportunity of sending the sold goods to Peru, Chile, Madagascar, Nigeria. The package can be delivered to the closest representative office for your convenience.
If the authentication succeeds, we transfer the finances quickly to the vendor, and the piece are forwarded to the client.
From the subsection Dark Red Alaia Bags of our website one can find high-end items from the pre-owned market by selecting specific parameters. We offer highly fashionable product categories, always providing a wide assortment for any fashion-connoisseur’s style and wallet.
The provides more than 50 of the top most recognized companies from sellers all over the world. The assortment of our fashion store second hand luxury items includes such well-known designer housesas Alaïa, H.Stern, Rick Owens. This makes Selluxury the TOP marketplace for buying and selling rare brands.