The shopping site is your individual great helper for purchasing second hand items of fashion brands at affordable payment. Our marketplace specializes in original premium items are pre-owned.
We propose favourable contracts on previously used luxury goods, both for vendors and customers, worldwide.
Each original item - from the subsection Turquoise Alaia Bags: Yellow Smooth Leather Mini Belt Bag, Fuchsia Acetate Frame Tinted Retro Sunglasses, Coco Handle Caviar Grey Large Bag - passes through an authentication process by branded accessories. This is done by using a specialized ENTRUPY microscope as the equipment for this process. The final conclusion will also be formed upon more than ten years of personal knowledge in the sphere of original items.
What does selling are pre-owned high-end accessories look like? The seller presents their creation Nnj, Diorama Ceramic Effect Deerskin Grey Bag, Quilted Tweed Medium Classic Double Flap Bag on the The Selluxury fashion store site. As soon as a purchaser is found, the item must be shipped to our office for the verification and vetting.
We are active in many countries, providing the possibility of mailing the sold goods to Canada, The Gambia, North Macedonia, Armenia. The parcel can be posted to the closest main office of your choosing.
If the authentication is confirmed, we pay the prices immediately to the vendor, and the unit are mailed to the customer.
From the section Turquoise Alaia Bags of our market our platform one can order luxurious items from the second-hand market by selecting specific preferences. We offer very popular product categories, generally providing a wide selection for any fashion-lover’s style and wallet.
The Selluxury offers over fifty of the top most recognizable fashion designers from merchants all over the world. The assortment of our online store previously used luxury items includes such the most popular brandsas Gucci, Chloe, H.Stern. This makes Selluxury the TOP marketplace for buying and selling unique fashion houses.