The online store is the high-end assistant for purchasing pre-owned items of fashion designers at affordable finances. Our online platform provides buying options for real exclusive products are second hand.
We propose competitive conditions on unnew exclusive objects, both for merchants and buyers, in many countries.
Every luxury creation - from the subsection Silvery Balenciaga Bags: Brown Monogram Canvas Cosmetic Pouch, Yves Saint Laurent Black Boots, Louis Vuitton Epi Alma PM - goes through an authenticating process by high-end objects. This is done by using a specialized ENTRUPY microscope as the instrument for it. The final outcome will also be based on more than 10 years of professional knowledge in the branch of designer goods.
What does selling process are previously used luxury goods look like? The seller offers their product Navy and Red Wool GG Scarf, Boy Medium Red Matte Caviar Bag, Denim Shorts on the The Selluxury online shop site. Once a customer has been found, the item must be forwarded to our main office for the authentication and vetting.
We are available all over the world, giving the possibility of posting the sold goods to Burundi, Ukraine, Austria, Guyana. The order can be delivered to the nearest main office of your preference.
If the check-up is confirmed, we transfer the prices immediately to the merchant, and the item are mailed to the payee.
From the category Silvery Balenciaga Bags of this marketplace one can select luxury items from the second-hand market by selecting specific parameters. We offer highly famous product categories, generally providing a wide assortment for any fashion-connoisseur’s style and wallet.
The offers over 50 of the top most famous fashion designers from traders all over the world. The assortment of our sales platform used luxury items includes such well-known firmsas Moncler, Jimmy Choo, Salvatore Ferragamo. This makes Selluxury the favourite marketplace for buying and selling exclusive fashion labels.