The online shop is your great assistant for purchased goods unnew items of fashion brands at adequate finances. Our online store offers original lux accessories are pre-owned.
We propose competitive contracts on used luxury products, both for merchants and fashionistas, worldwide.
Each original object - from the category Black Breguet Bags: Butterfly Motif Knot Lizard Clutch, Tribute Python Platform Sandals, GMT Master II 40mm Watch - goes through an authenticating process by luxury accessories. This is done by working with a special ENTRUPY optical apparatus as the additional equipment for it. The final result will also be based on more than ten years of professional knowledge in the field of designer goods.
What does sales operation are second hand lux goods look like? The vendor showcases their item Hampstead MM Damier Ebene Canvas, Gucci belt, Navy Lou Belt Bag on the The Selluxury e-commerce platform website. When a purchaser has been found, the object must be shipped to our headquarters for the verification and condition check.
We are active all over the world, giving the chance of sending the sold goods to Solomon Islands, Brazil, Uzbekistan, United Arab Emirates. The package can be posted to the nearest office for your convenience.
If the authentication succeeds, we pay the payment promptly to the merchant, and the creation are posted to the client.
From the category Black Breguet Bags of this catalogue one can choose original items from the second-hand market by selecting specific characteristics. We present highly essential product categories, generally offering a wide selection for any fashion-lover’s taste and wallet.
The Selluxury offers over fifty of the top most exquisite fashion brands from merchants all over the world. The assortment of our online store pre-owned luxury items includes such well-known designer housesas Valentino, Manolo Blahnik, Miu Miu. This makes Selluxury the favourite marketplace for buying and selling limited designer brands.