The Selluxury online shop is your individual best assistant for buying used items of brands at affordable prices. Our online platform provides selling options for real exclusive accessories are second hand.
We give favourable contracts on used branded items, both for sellers and buyers, worldwide.
Every luxury object - from the category Brown Breguet Bags: Black GG apple print Cotton T-shirt, Evelyne PM, Jeans Couture Hiking Boots - undergoes an authenticating process by premium products. This is done by working with a particular ENTRUPY microscope as the equipment for it. The final result will also be formed upon over 10 years of personal practical experience in the world of original goods.
What does sales process are pre-owned exclusive accessories look like? The seller publishes their unit Red Interlocking Buckle Leather Belt, Monogram Ritual Mary-Jane Peep Toe Pumps, Boy Small Tweed Velvet Purple Bag on the The Selluxury marketplace website. When a buyer has been found, the item must be mailed to our office for the verification and vetting.
We are active all over the world, offering the chance of sending the sold goods to Vietnam, Australia, Zimbabwe, Burundi. The parcel can be posted to the nearest office for your convenience.
If the check-up is confirmed, we pay the finances instantly to the vendor, and the object are mailed to the buyer.
From the section Brown Breguet Bags of this catalogue one can select original items from the second-hand market by selecting specific options. We present very sought-after product categories, generally offering a wide assortment for any fashion-lover’s taste and budget.
The Selluxury proposes over fifty of the top most fashionable designers from vendors all over the world. The assortment of our fashion store previously used luxury items includes such popular designer housesas Damiani, Mansur Gavriel, Tom Ford. This makes Selluxury the best marketplace for buying and selling exclusive famous brands.