The online store is your personal best intermediary for purchased goods used items of fashion companies at affordable finances. Our e-commerce platform sells true exclusive objects have been previously used.
We provide favourable conditions on second hand premium subjects, both for sellers and clients, in all countries.
Each lux item - from the category Silvery Casadei Bags: Brown Happy Leo Animal Print Leather Sneakers, Multicolor Boucle Tweed Shift Dress, Light Pink Caviar Matte Leather Mini Square Flap Bag - undergoes an authentication process by premium goods. This is done by working with a particular ENTRUPY optical apparatus as the equipment for this process. The final result will also be based on more than ten years of personal working experience in the branch of designer goods.
What does selling procedure are second hand branded products look like? The seller presents their creation Boy Medium Quilted Stitched Velvet Bag, Damier Canvas Brown Leather Alma PM Bag, Pandora Mini Mint Leather Box Bag on the The e-commerce platform website. When a purchaser has been found, the creation must be forwarded to our central office for the verification and physical check-up.
We are working in many countries, giving the chance of sending the sold goods to Qatar, Somalia, Latvia, Myanmar (Burma). The order can be delivered to the closest headquarters of your choosing.
If the verification is confirmed, we send the finances promptly to the merchant, and the item are forwarded to the buyer.
From the section Silvery Casadei Bags of our market our platform one can order original items from the second-hand market by selecting specific descriptions. We offer very famous product categories, constantly offering a wide selection for any fashion-connoisseur’s preference and budget.
The Selluxury proposes over 50 of the top most famous firms from vendors all over the world. The assortment of our fashion store pre-owned luxury items includes such outstanding designer housesas Rolex, Breitling, Roland Moureg. This makes Selluxury the TOP marketplace for buying and selling high-end fashion houses.