The shopping portal is the classy helper for purchased goods unnew items of brands at adequate finances. Our online platform focuses on original premium creations are pre-owned.
We provide reasonable agreements on unnew premium objects, both for traders and buyers, in most countries.
Any luxury product - from the section Red Celine Bags: Black Monogram Empreinte Leather Artsy MM Bag, Black Suede Espadrilles Wedges, Rolex GMT Master II Watch - goes through an authenticating process by exclusive goods. This is done by using a special ENTRUPY microscope as the additional equipment for this process. The final conclusion will also be based on over 10 years of personal working experience in the field of original items.
What does selling have been previously used luxurious products look like? The seller uploads their item Habana Cuba Silk Scarf, Women's Black Espadrille-Style Sneakers, Leather Logo-Embossed White Sneakers on the The e-commerce platform site. The moment when a buyer has been found, the product must be forwarded to our headquarters for the verification and condition check.
We are active in all countries, giving the opportunity of mailing the sold goods to South Africa, Kosovo, Nepal, Guatemala. The package can be posted to the closest central office of your choosing.
If the verification is confirmed, we send the cost at once to the vendor, and the product are delivered to the client.
From the category Red Celine Bags of our market our platform one can choose luxury items from the second-hand market by selecting specific characteristics. We stock highly trendy product categories, generally offering a wide selection for any fashion-lover’s preference and wallet.
The Selluxury proposes over fifty of the top most popular brands from sellers all over the world. The assortment of our marketplace pre-owned luxury items includes such well-known designersas Dolce & Gabbana, Miu Miu, Jimmy Choo. This makes Selluxury the best marketplace for buying and selling uncommon fashion houses.