The Selluxury shopping platform is your individual high-end intermediary for buying unnew items of fashion brands at reasonable prices. Our online store specializes in original premium accessories have been previously used.
We give mutually beneficial agreements on used exclusive objects, both for sellers and customers, in all countries.
Each luxury product - from the section Light Pink Chanel Bags: Men's Black Wool Hat, Coco Handle Pink Caviar Medium Bag, Lady Dior Limited Bag - undergoes an authentication process by high-end accessories. This is done by using a particular ENTRUPY optical apparatus as the equipment for it. The final result will also be derived from more than ten years of our own practical experience in the sphere of designer fashion.
What does sales procedure are previously used luxurious creations look like? The seller uploads their unit Small Chevron Timeless Classic Bag, Leopard Wallet, Louis Vuitton Marignan Monogram on the The marketplace site. When a purchaser has been found, the object must be posted to our office for the verification and vetting.
We are available in many countries, giving the chance of posting the sold goods to Bulgaria, Guyana, Mauritius, France. The purchase can be mailed to the nearest central office of your preference.
If the check-up is confirmed, we forward the payment immediately to the vendor, and the object are delivered to the client.
From the category Light Pink Chanel Bags of this marketplace one can select luxurious items from the second-hand market by selecting specific preferences. We showcase the most renowned product categories, generally providing a wide selection for any fashionista’s approach and wallet.
The Selluxury provides more than fifty of the top most renowned designer houses from traders all over the world. The assortment of our online platform unnew luxury items includes such well-known designer housesas Roland Moureg, Salvatore Ferragamo, Smythe. This makes Selluxury the best marketplace for buying and selling rare famous brands.