The online shop is your individual top assistant for purchased goods unnew items of brands at adequate finances. Our selling platform provides buying options for original branded items are pre-owned.
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What does selling process are second hand high-end accessories look like? The vendor presents their item Chanel Python Jumbo Double Flap, Yellow Gold Love Ring, Perforated Gloves on the The Selluxury online shop site. When a buyer has been found, the product must be shipped to our central office for the authentication and condition check.
We are available all over the world, giving the possibility of shipping the sold goods to China, Central African Republic, Namibia, Kenya. The order can be shipped to the nearest headquarters for your convenience.
If the check-up succeeds, we transfer the prices immediately to the merchant, and the item are shipped to the purchaser.
From the subsection White Charlotte Olympia Bags of this catalogue one can purchase original items from the second-hand market by selecting specific parameters. We offer the most popular product categories, definitely providing a wide selection for any fashion-connoisseur’s style and wallet.
The Selluxury provides more than fifty of the top most popular fashion houses from traders all over the world. The assortment of our e-commerce platform second hand luxury items includes such well-known designersas Panerai, Goyard, Coach. This makes Selluxury the most renowned marketplace for buying and selling high-end fashion labels.