The shopping portal is your personal best guide for purchasing used items of fashion companies at adequate cost. Our selling platform specializes in genuine premium goods are pre-owned.
We offer reasonable deals on used exclusive products, both for traders and fashion connoisseurs, in all countries.
Every lux item - from the category Fuchsia Chopard Bags: Dior Black Crossbody Bag, Gold Quilted Leather Small Boy Bag, Cannage Lady Dior Leather Ivory Shoulder Bag - passes through an verification process by premium accessories. This is done by using a particular ENTRUPY optical apparatus as the additional equipment for this procedure. The final result will also be derived from more than ten years of professional practical experience in the branch of fashion items.
What does selling are previously used branded items look like? The seller offers their unit Chanel Boy Enchainged New Medium, Chanel Black Velvet Strappy Sandal Heel, Brown Happy Leo Animal Print Leather Sneakers on the The Selluxury online shop website. Once a client has been found, the creation must be forwarded to our representative office for the verification and vetting.
We are available in most countries, giving the possibility of forwarding the sold goods to Guinea, The Gambia, Grenada, Norway. The purchase can be shipped to the closest office of your preference.
If the verification succeeds, we transfer the fee immediately to the vendor, and the product are mailed to the buyer.
From the section Fuchsia Chopard Bags of our website one can buy exclusive items from the pre-owned market by selecting specific descriptions. We showcase very sought-after product categories, consistently offering a huge assortment for any fashionista’s approach and wallet.
The Selluxury offers more than 50 of the top most sought-after brands from sellers all over the world. The assortment of our marketplace previously used luxury items includes such the most popular fashion housesas Chloe, Moncler, Chopard. This makes Selluxury the best marketplace for buying and selling select famous brands.