The online store is the top intermediary for purchased items second hand items of brands at reasonable fee. Our marketplace provides buying options for genuine exclusive objects are pre-owned.
We give reasonable conditions on second hand luxury creations, both for sellers and buyers, in many countries.
Any original product - from the category Brown Christian Dior Bags: Boy Black Pattent Leather Bag, Beige Quilted Lambskin GO-14 Malletage MM Bag, Crystal Black Pumps - passes through an verification process by lux accessories. This is done by working with a professional ENTRUPY microscope as the instrument for this procedure. The final conclusion will also be derived from over ten years of personal practical experience in the field of original goods.
What does selling process are previously used exclusive accessories look like? The vendor offers their creation Multi-Pochette Accessories Bag, Brick Boy Pink Crossbody Bag, Floral Shirt on the The fashion store website. The moment when a buyer has been found, the object must be forwarded to our headquarters for the authenticating and condition check.
We are available all over the world, offering the possibility of posting the sold goods to Morocco, Belizes, Bahrain, Serbia. The parcel can be posted to the closest representative office for your convenience.
If the check-up is confirmed, we forward the finances promptly to the seller, and the unit are delivered to the purchaser.
From the subsection Brown Christian Dior Bags of our catalogue one can choose luxurious items from the pre-owned market by selecting specific options. We showcase the most trendy product categories, consistently offering a huge assortment for any fashionista’s sense of taste and budget.
The Selluxury showcases over fifty of the top best companies from vendors all over the world. The assortment of our online platform second hand luxury items includes such the most popular brandsas Charlotte Olympia, Yves Saint Laurent, Dolce & Gabbana. This makes Selluxury the favourite marketplace for buying and selling rare fashion labels.