The Selluxury shopping site is your great intermediary for purchasing used items of fashion houses at affordable cost. Our online retail specializes in original exclusive goods have been previously used.
We propose favourable deals on pre-owned premium goods, both for vendors and fashion connoisseurs, in many countries.
Every luxury item - from the section Burgundy Christian Dior Bags: Woc Green, Black Brooklyn GG Supreme High-Top Sneakers, Diorama Small Light Blue Bag - undergoes an verification process by branded products. This is done by using a special ENTRUPY microscope as the equipment for it. The final outcome will also be formed upon over ten years of professional knowledge in the branch of designer goods.
What does selling process are second hand high-end products look like? The merchant uploads their creation Monogram Canvas Palm Springs MM Backpack, Orange Calfskin Leather Diorissimo Mini Bag, Caramel Saffiano Lux Leather Double Zip Tote Bag on the The Selluxury sales platform site. The moment when a purchaser is found, the product must be mailed to our headquarters for the authentication and vetting.
We are active in most countries, providing the possibility of shipping the sold goods to Mexico, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Senegal. The package can be posted to the nearest main office for your convenience.
If the verification succeeds, we send the finances immediately to the vendor, and the object are shipped to the purchaser.
From the subsection Burgundy Christian Dior Bags of our catalogue one can browse high-end items from the pre-owned market by selecting specific preferences. We offer highly trendy product categories, constantly providing a wide assortment for any fashion-connoisseur’s sense of taste and budget.
The sells over 50 of the top most outstanding fashion designers from sellers all over the world. The assortment of our marketplace pre-owned luxury items includes such popular brandsas David Yurman, Louis Vuitton, Judith Leiber. This makes Selluxury the best marketplace for buying and selling niche top fashion companies.