The Selluxury site is your personal top intermediary for buying previously used items of fashion houses at affordable finances. Our online platform provides selling options for genuine branded accessories are previously used.
We give reasonable deals on pre-owned premium creations, both for merchants and fashionistas, in many countries.
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From the subsection Fuchsia Emilio Pucci Bags of our market our platform one can browse luxurious items from the pre-owned market by selecting specific parameters. We stock highly renowned product categories, generally providing a wide choice for any fashionista’s approach and budget.
The Selluxury showcases more than 50 of the top best known firms from merchants all over the world. The assortment of our e-commerce platform previously used luxury items includes such the most popular firmsas Valentino, Oscar de la Renta, Delvaux. This makes Selluxury the best marketplace for buying and selling niche firms.