The Selluxury shopping site is your own best helper for purchasing unnew items of fashion houses at optimal payment. Our online platform provides buying options for unique luxurious goods are second hand.
We offer economical agreements on pre-owned branded creations, both for vendors and customers, all over the world.
Any lux product - from the category Purple Emilio Pucci Bags: Luggage Large, Brown Monogram Leather Ankle Boots, Red Calfskin Leather J'ADIOR Medium Bag - passes through an authenticating process by exclusive objects. This is done by working with a professional ENTRUPY microscope as the equipment for this purpose. The final conclusion will also be formed upon more than ten years of our own working experience in the sphere of fashion items.
What does selling are pre-owned luxurious accessories look like? The seller uploads their item Sac Вe Jour Large Bag, Mini Peekaboo Red Bag, Light Pink Epi Leather Alma BB Bag on the The sales platform website. As soon as a customer has been found, the object must be forwarded to our headquarters for the verification and physical check-up.
We are available in many countries, offering the chance of posting the sold goods to Tanzania, Mozambique, Latvia, Israel. The order can be shipped to any central office for your convenience.
If the authentication succeeds, we forward the prices promptly to the merchant, and the product are mailed to the client.
From the subsection Purple Emilio Pucci Bags of our catalogue one can purchase high-end items from the second-hand market by selecting specific options. We offer highly popular product categories, constantly offering a huge selection for any fashionista’s sense of taste and wallet.
The proposes over 50 of the top most exquisite designer houses from traders all over the world. The assortment of our fashion store pre-owned luxury items includes such well-known firmsas Marni, Salvatore Ferragamo, Charlotte Olympia. This makes Selluxury the favourite marketplace for buying and selling select designer brands.