The Selluxury shopping platform is your high-end helper for purchased goods unnew items of designers at adequate cost. Our online platform offers genuine premium creations are pre-owned.
We provide economical agreements on used branded objects, both for vendors and fashionistas, in many countries.
Any luxury piece - from the subsection Black Harry Winston Bags: White En Vogue Quilted Leather Bag, Pink Leather Leopard Sneakers, Red Canvas Leather Double V Wallet - undergoes an verification process by luxurious goods. This is done by using a special ENTRUPY microscope as the instrument for this process. The final result will also be formed upon more than ten years of our own practical experience in the world of fashion items.
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We are working in many countries, giving the possibility of posting the sold goods to Slovenia, Ireland, Dominican Republic, Papua New Guinea. The purchase can be delivered to the nearest main office for your convenience.
If the check-up is confirmed, we forward the prices quickly to the vendor, and the product are forwarded to the payee.
From the section Black Harry Winston Bags of our market our platform one can buy luxurious items from the pre-owned market by selecting specific preferences. We sell highly popular product categories, generally offering a huge selection for any fashion-lover’s sense of taste and wallet.
The showcases more than 50 of the top top firms from vendors all over the world. The assortment of our online platform previously used luxury items includes such popular firmsas Alexander McQueen, Casadei, Van Cleef & Arpels. This makes Selluxury the favourite marketplace for buying and selling exclusive top brands.