The online resource is your own great intermediary for buying used items of brands at adequate payment. Our online store focuses on real luxurious items have been previously used.
We offer competitive agreements on pre-owned exclusive goods, both for sellers and fashion lovers, all over the world.
Any luxury creation - from the category Yellow Jimmy Choo Bags: Prada bag, Capucines Black Caviar Leather Bag, Chanel Reissue 2.55 double Flap - goes through an authenticating process by premium objects. This is done by working with a particular ENTRUPY microscope as the additional equipment for it. The final conclusion will also be based on more than ten years of our own practical experience in the world of designer fashion.
What does selling process are second hand luxury creations look like? The seller publishes their item White Iridescent Caviar Leather Cap Toe CC Ballerina Flats, Love Me 100 Leather & Mesh Pumps, Rare Speedy 30 Monogram Canvas Rose Bag on the The marketplace site. The moment when a buyer has been found, the product must be forwarded to our main office for the authenticating and vetting.
We are working in many countries, giving the opportunity of mailing the sold goods to Cameroon, Philippines, Morocco, Suriname. The parcel can be delivered to the nearest headquarters of your choosing.
If the authentication succeeds, we pay the payment quickly to the vendor, and the item are mailed to the buyer.
From the section Yellow Jimmy Choo Bags of our website one can order high-end items from the second-hand market by selecting specific descriptions. We showcase the most fashionable product categories, always offering a vast choice for any fashion-connoisseur’s taste and wallet.
The provides over 50 of the top most exquisite companies from vendors all over the world. The assortment of our online platform used luxury items includes such popular firmsas Tom Ford, Mansur Gavriel, Burberry. This makes Selluxury the best marketplace for buying and selling uncommon famous brands.