The Selluxury online marketplace is your top intermediary for purchasing used items of fashion houses at cheaper prices. Our online platform sells real luxury creations are second hand.
We provide favourable agreements on used luxury goods, both for vendors and fashion connoisseurs, in all countries.
Any designed product - from the subsection Black & White Lanvin Bags: GMT Master II 40mm Watch, Green Small GG Marmont Matelassé Bag, Perforated Gloves - undergoes an authenticating process by luxury objects. This is done by working with a special ENTRUPY optical apparatus as the instrument for this procedure. The final outcome will also be formed upon more than ten years of professional knowledge in the branch of designer fashion.
What does sales procedure have been previously used luxurious products look like? The vendor uploads their item Chanel Brick Boy Mini, Black Leather Boots, Rockstud Crossbody Bag on the The e-commerce platform site. The moment when a customer has been found, the unit must be shipped to our office for the authentication and physical check-up.
We are active in many countries, offering the possibility of mailing the sold goods to Luxembourg, Suriname, Brazil, France. The parcel can be posted to the closest headquarters for your convenience.
If the authentication is confirmed, we send the cost immediately to the vendor, and the unit are forwarded to the customer.
From the category Black & White Lanvin Bags of our website one can purchase luxury items from the pre-owned market by selecting specific descriptions. We showcase very renowned product categories, definitely offering a wide assortment for any fashion-lover’s preference and wallet.
The provides more than 50 of the top most sought-after fashion houses from merchants all over the world. The assortment of our sales platform pre-owned luxury items includes such outstanding brandsas Valentino, Yves Saint Laurent, Judith Leiber. This makes Selluxury the best marketplace for buying and selling unique top fashion companies.