Bags by the Spanish fashion house Loewe combine luxurious appearance, bright notes of Spain, impeccable high-end materials and unsurpassed workmanship. Made by a famous trendsetter, these accessories attract with refined style and great taste of fashion designers. A large selection of models of all colours and sizes satisfies the most capricious desires of fashionistas worldwide. The collections of the Spanish brand include miniature clutches and everyday designs, evening bags, backpacks, totes and other stylish options. Loewe products impress with their simplicity and elegance. They are not overloaded with unnecessary details and are made with a tasteful sense of proportion. Among the iconic bags of the brand, the most outstanding models are Puzzle, Hammock, Balloon, Gate, Cushion Tote, Baskets, Flamenco, and others. One can buy them and other original products of the Loewe brand at a discount from the Selluxury marketplace's catalogue.
Bags by the Spanish fashion house Loewe combine luxurious appearance, bright notes of Spain, impeccable high-end materials and unsurpassed workmanship. Made by a famous trendsetter, these accessories attract with refined style and great taste of fashion designers. A large selection of models of all colours and sizes satisfies the most capricious desires of fashionistas worldwide. The collections of the Spanish brand include miniature c...
The Selluxury resale marketplace offers a wide selection of luxury branded bags, among which one can choose various designs by Loewe, Prada, Louis Vuitton, Gucci and other brands. They are offered at highly-discounted prices.
Original accessories of premium brands can be sold at a profit at the Selluxury online marketplace.
The Selluxury resale platform offers free shipping on branded items to any country.