The Selluxury shopping site is your own high-end intermediary for purchasing second hand items of designer houses at cheaper cost. Our online store sells genuine lux goods have been previously used.
We provide profitable agreements on second hand branded goods, both for merchants and clients, in most countries.
Any original item - from the section Fuchsia Loewe Bags: Lady Dior Medium Light Red Patent Leather Bag, Adina Cobalt Blue Suede Heels, Black Leather Ankle Boots - goes through an authenticating process by branded creations. This is done by working with a special ENTRUPY optical apparatus as the additional equipment for it. The final outcome will also be based on more than 10 years of personal experience in the sphere of designer goods.
What does sales process have been previously used exclusive products look like? The merchant showcases their item Archlight Black/White Sneakers, Lady Dior Light Green Python Large Bag, CC and Faux Pearl Long Necklace on the The fashion store website. Once a purchaser is found, the object must be sent to our central office for the authenticating and physical check-up.
We are active in all countries, giving the possibility of shipping the sold goods to Switzerland, Mongolia, Eswatini, Dominica. The parcel can be shipped to any main office of your preference.
If the authentication succeeds, we forward the prices immediately to the vendor, and the unit are shipped to the purchaser.
From the subsection Fuchsia Loewe Bags of this catalogue one can find luxurious items from the pre-owned market by selecting specific parameters. We sell highly relevant product categories, always offering a wide assortment for any fashion-lover’s approach and budget.
The Selluxury showcases over fifty of the top most fashionable fashion brands from sellers all over the world. The assortment of our fashion store pre-owned luxury items includes such the most popular fashion housesas Coach, Louis Vuitton, Oscar de la Renta. This makes Selluxury the TOP marketplace for buying and selling niche fashion houses.