The online store is your personal top guide for purchased goods unnew items of fashion brands at affordable cost. Our online shop sells original premium objects are previously used.
We offer competitive agreements on used exclusive subjects, both for traders and clients, all over the world.
Each premium product - from the subsection Bags Mansur Gavriel: Gucci t-shirt, Black Suede Heels, Coco Boy Camera Case Bag - passes through an authentication process by luxury products. This is done by working with a special ENTRUPY microscope as the equipment for it. The final result will also be derived from more than ten years of professional knowledge in the field of fashion items.
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We are working all over the world, providing the possibility of forwarding the sold goods to Central African Republic, Central African Republic, Cambodia, Hungary. The parcel can be posted to any main office of your choosing.
If the authentication is confirmed, we forward the fee right away to the vendor, and the creation are mailed to the purchaser.
From the section Bags Mansur Gavriel of our website one can browse original items from the second-hand market by selecting specific characteristics. We showcase highly renowned product categories, constantly offering a wide choice for any fashion-connoisseur’s preference and budget.
The proposes over 50 of the top most recognizable designers from vendors all over the world. The assortment of our e-commerce platform pre-owned luxury items includes such outstanding designersas Lanvin, Dolce & Gabbana, Philipp plein. This makes Selluxury the best marketplace for buying and selling rare designer brands.