The Selluxury online store is your personal classy intermediary for buying used items of brands at affordable fee. Our e-commerce platform provides buying options for genuine luxury objects are previously used.
We offer economical contracts on previously used exclusive objects, both for sellers and customers, worldwide.
Any luxury unit - from the category Lime Mansur Gavriel Bags: Light Blue Pebbled Leather Soho Disco Small Crossbody Bag, Louis Vuitton LockMe MM, Black Leather Logo Embellished Pumps - goes through an authenticating process by lux items. This is done by using a professional ENTRUPY microscope as the instrument for it. The final outcome will also be based on more than ten years of personal working experience in the branch of designer fashion.
What does sales process are pre-owned lux products look like? The vendor offers their product Lady Dior Limited Bag, Resort High Knee Boots, Asymmetric Ruffle Dress on the The Selluxury marketplace website. When a purchaser has been found, the product must be forwarded to our office for the verification and physical check-up.
We are working in many countries, giving the chance of shipping the sold goods to Haiti, Saudi Arabia, Dominica, Kazakhstan. The purchase can be delivered to the nearest representative office of your choosing.
If the check-up is confirmed, we send the prices quickly to the merchant, and the unit are delivered to the payee.
From the category Lime Mansur Gavriel Bags of our catalogue one can select luxurious items from the second-hand market by selecting specific preferences. We stock the most fashionable product categories, always offering a wide choice for any fashion-lover’s style and budget.
The sells over fifty of the top most famous fashion companies from sellers all over the world. The assortment of our online platform pre-owned luxury items includes such popular firmsas Loewe, Breguet, Celine. This makes Selluxury the TOP marketplace for buying and selling niche brands.