The online store is your best guide for purchasing used items of fashion houses at adequate prices. Our online platform provides selling options for unique lux items are previously used.
We offer reasonable deals on second hand exclusive subjects, both for vendors and customers, all over the world.
Each lux unit - from the section Black Moncler Bags: Diorama Blue Leather Medium Bag, Marine Caviar Leather Timeless CC Soft Shopping Tote Bag, Polka Dot Leather Dress - goes through an verification process by branded goods. This is done by using a specialized ENTRUPY microscope as the equipment for it. The final result will also be derived from over 10 years of personal practical experience in the field of designer fashion.
What does selling procedure have been previously used exclusive goods look like? The seller showcases their item Women’s Blue Skinny Red Flower Patch Jeans, Limited Edition Stephen Sprouse Monogram Roses Neverfull MM Bag, Metallic Leather Crisscross Ankle-Wrap Sandals Gold Shoes on the The Selluxury online shop site. As soon as a client has been found, the piece must be posted to our main office for the verification and physical check-up.
We are active worldwide, giving the possibility of mailing the sold goods to Kenya, Mongolia, Burkina Faso, North Macedonia. The order can be mailed to the closest representative office for your convenience.
If the authentication succeeds, we forward the finances promptly to the seller, and the product are delivered to the customer.
From the subsection Black Moncler Bags of this marketplace one can purchase luxurious items from the second-hand market by selecting specific parameters. We sell highly trendy product categories, always offering a wide selection for any fashion-connoisseur’s style and wallet.
The Selluxury offers over 50 of the top most sought-after designers from vendors all over the world. The assortment of our online store used luxury items includes such the most popular fashion housesas Hermes, Judith Leiber, Marni. This makes Selluxury the most renowned marketplace for buying and selling high-end top fashion companies.