The shopping site is your own high-end assistant for purchasing previously used items of designer houses at favourable payment. Our online shop specializes in genuine luxury objects are second hand.
We propose reasonable contracts on pre-owned premium goods, both for sellers and buyers, in most countries.
Each luxury item - from the category Black Oscar de la Renta Bags: Timeless Classic Quilted Caviar Leather Medium Double Flap Bag, Velvet Fur-Lined Mules, Blue Oblique Canvas Saddle Pouch Wallet on Chain Bag - passes through an authenticating process by luxury creations. This is done by working with a special ENTRUPY microscope as the equipment for this purpose. The final conclusion will also be based on more than 10 years of personal working experience in the world of original items.
What does selling procedure are pre-owned branded goods look like? The merchant offers their object Light Blue Chateau Boy Small Bag, White Stitched Quilted Leather New Medium Boy Bag, Black Quilted Lambskin Leather Classic East/West Flap Bag on the The marketplace website. As soon as a buyer has been found, the unit must be mailed to our central office for the authenticating and condition check.
We are working in most countries, offering the opportunity of shipping the sold goods to Brazil, Georgia, Taiwan, Taiwan. The order can be posted to the closest representative office for your convenience.
If the verification is confirmed, we pay the fee instantly to the seller, and the item are dispatched to the purchaser.
From the section Black Oscar de la Renta Bags of our site one can purchase luxurious items from the second-hand market by selecting specific characteristics. We stock very renowned product categories, constantly providing a wide selection for any fashionista’s preference and wallet.
The Selluxury showcases over 50 of the top best fashion designers from sellers all over the world. The assortment of our marketplace unnew luxury items includes such outstanding firmsas Chloe, Yves Saint Laurent, Delvaux. This makes Selluxury the best marketplace for buying and selling unique fashion houses.