The shopping portal is your personal high-end intermediary for buying pre-owned items of firms at reasonable prices. Our online shop provides buying options for original premium objects are second hand.
We give favourable contracts on second hand luxury creations, both for merchants and buyers, all over the world.
Each original piece - from the category Pink Oscar de la Renta Bags: Black Quilted Caviar Leather Classic New Mini Flap Bag, Black Leather Multi-Color Medium Tile Brasserie Mosaic Boy Flap Bag, sdfsd - undergoes an authentication process by exclusive goods. This is done by using a special ENTRUPY microscope as the additional equipment for this process. The final outcome will also be based on over ten years of personal working experience in the sphere of original items.
What does sales operation are pre-owned branded items look like? The merchant publishes their item Caviar Matte Leather CC Ballet Flats, Deep Red Monogram Leather Tote Bag, Submariner Date 40mm Steel and Yellow Gold Ceramic Watch on the The sales platform website. The moment when a purchaser has been found, the unit must be sent to our main office for the authentication and vetting.
We are active worldwide, giving the opportunity of posting the sold goods to Philippines, Burkina Faso, Yemen, Czech Republic. The package can be mailed to the closest central office for your convenience.
If the check-up succeeds, we transfer the fee instantly to the merchant, and the creation are forwarded to the client.
From the category Pink Oscar de la Renta Bags of our catalogue one can buy luxury items from the pre-owned market by selecting specific parameters. We sell very well-known product categories, always providing a vast choice for any fashionista’s preference and budget.
The proposes over fifty of the top most exquisite fashion designers from merchants all over the world. The assortment of our e-commerce platform unnew luxury items includes such outstanding firmsas Cartier, Rolex, Fendi. This makes Selluxury the most renowned marketplace for buying and selling high-end famous brands.