The Selluxury shopping portal is your own best intermediary for purchasing second hand items of fashion companies at favourable fee. Our online store specializes in genuine lux goods are pre-owned.
We propose profitable conditions on second hand luxury products, both for vendors and fashion connoisseurs, in many countries.
Any luxury piece - from the subsection Red Oscar de la Renta Bags: Dior Black Crossbody Bag, Monogram Empreinte Leather Petillante Clutch Bag, White Stitched Quilted Leather New Medium Boy Bag - passes through an authenticating process by premium objects. This is done by using a special ENTRUPY optical apparatus as the device for this process. The final outcome will also be based on over ten years of professional experience in the world of original items.
What does selling process are second hand luxurious goods look like? The seller presents their creation Sunset Clutch Bag, Brown Monogram Canvas Tuileries Bag, Sicily Large Dark Grey Bag on the The e-commerce platform website. When a purchaser is found, the creation must be posted to our representative office for the authentication and vetting.
We are active in many countries, giving the opportunity of sending the sold goods to Iraq, Peru, Malta, Italy. The purchase can be posted to the nearest representative office of your choosing.
If the authentication succeeds, we forward the prices right away to the vendor, and the unit are sent to the customer.
From the subsection Red Oscar de la Renta Bags of this marketplace one can order luxury items from the pre-owned market by selecting specific characteristics. We sell highly fashionable product categories, generally providing a huge selection for any fashionista’s taste and budget.
The showcases more than 50 of the top most popular brands from vendors all over the world. The assortment of our online store second hand luxury items includes such well-known firmsas Roland Moureg, Celine, Breguet. This makes Selluxury the most renowned marketplace for buying and selling exclusive designer brands.