The online shop is your top helper for purchased goods used items of brands at affordable payment. Our selling platform provides selling options for unique luxurious creations are pre-owned.
We give competitive deals on used luxury subjects, both for merchants and fashionistas, all over the world.
Any lux object - from the subsection Red Proenza Schouler Bags: Uniform 2.55 Caviar Black Belt Bag, Gold 255 Reissue Medium Bag, Red Sugar Goatskin Leather Medium Antigona Bag - passes through an authenticating process by high-end items. This is done by using a particular ENTRUPY microscope as the instrument for this purpose. The final result will also be derived from more than 10 years of our own practical experience in the field of designer fashion.
What does selling process are second hand branded goods look like? The seller presents their object Maxi Singla Flap Bag, Blue Velvet Sandals, Leather Knot Clutch on the The online shop site. When a buyer has been found, the item must be posted to our headquarters for the verification and physical check-up.
We are working worldwide, offering the possibility of forwarding the sold goods to Solomon Islands, Mexico, Latvia, Philippines. The package can be mailed to the nearest representative office of your choosing.
If the authentication succeeds, we send the finances immediately to the merchant, and the piece are mailed to the payee.
From the subsection Red Proenza Schouler Bags of this marketplace one can buy luxurious items from the second-hand market by selecting specific descriptions. We stock highly sought-after product categories, definitely offering a vast choice for any fashion-lover’s style and budget.
The Selluxury proposes more than 50 of the top best fashion houses from sellers all over the world. The assortment of our online store second hand luxury items includes such well-known designer housesas Panerai, Damiani, Rolex. This makes Selluxury the favourite marketplace for buying and selling rare top fashion companies.