The online resource is your own best assistant for purchasing pre-owned items of designers at optimal finances. Our online shop provides selling options for unique high-end products are previously used.
We offer profitable contracts on second hand branded products, both for traders and fashionistas, in many countries.
Every premium unit - from the section Grey Rick Owens Bags: Jackie Soft Tote Python Large Bag, Сhanel Bowling Bag, Gold Quilted Leather Small Boy Bag - goes through an authentication process by high-end items. This is done by working with a special ENTRUPY optical apparatus as the instrument for it. The final conclusion will also be derived from more than ten years of professional knowledge in the branch of designer goods.
What does sales procedure are second hand branded creations look like? The merchant uploads their product Red Canvas Leather Double V Wallet, Leopard Wallet, Timeless Classic Black Caviar Leather Maxi Double Flap Bag on the The Selluxury online platform site. Once a buyer is found, the creation must be forwarded to our main office for the verification and vetting.
We are working all over the world, providing the chance of shipping the sold goods to South Africa, Iraq, Ghana, South Africa. The parcel can be mailed to the nearest central office for your convenience.
If the authentication succeeds, we pay the payment quickly to the vendor, and the object are shipped to the client.
From the section Grey Rick Owens Bags of this marketplace one can order premium items from the second-hand market by selecting specific preferences. We stock very well-known product categories, always offering a huge assortment for any fashion-lover’s sense of taste and budget.
The Selluxury showcases over fifty of the top top brands from sellers all over the world. The assortment of our online shop second hand luxury items includes such popular fashion housesas Rolex, Stella McCartney, Coach. This makes Selluxury the best marketplace for buying and selling limited top fashion companies.