The site is your high-end assistant for purchasing second hand items of companies at cheaper prices. Our online store focuses on original luxurious objects are pre-owned.
We propose reasonable conditions on pre-owned premium items, both for merchants and customers, all over the world.
Every original product - from the subsection Purple Rick Owens Bags: Python Strap, Grey Leather Diorama Medium Flap Bag, Cotton Blouse - undergoes an verification process by high-end accessories. This is done by using a special ENTRUPY microscope as the equipment for this process. The final result will also be based on more than 10 years of our own working experience in the field of designer goods.
What does sales process have been previously used branded items look like? The merchant showcases their product Louis Vuitton Marignan Monogram, Dior bag, Men’s Jacket with Suede Trim on the The Selluxury online shop website. As soon as a customer has been found, the piece must be mailed to our headquarters for the verification and vetting.
We are available in most countries, giving the opportunity of shipping the sold goods to United Kingdom, Eswatini, Ghana, Sierra Leone. The order can be delivered to the closest representative office of your choosing.
If the verification is confirmed, we send the cost quickly to the vendor, and the unit are shipped to the client.
From the category Purple Rick Owens Bags of this catalogue one can find high-end items from the second-hand market by selecting specific options. We stock the most famous product categories, constantly providing a vast choice for any fashion-connoisseur’s approach and budget.
The Selluxury sells over 50 of the top most exquisite fashion designers from sellers all over the world. The assortment of our fashion store pre-owned luxury items includes such well-known brandsas Louis Vuitton, Isabel Marant, Miu Miu. This makes Selluxury the most renowned marketplace for buying and selling niche brands.