The site is the great guide for purchasing pre-owned items of designer houses at affordable fee. Our selling platform offers real luxury objects are second hand.
We provide profitable conditions on pre-owned exclusive items, both for merchants and fashion lovers, worldwide.
Every original object - from the category Grey Tiffany & Co. Bags: Men's White Leather Gucci Print Belt Bag, Black Brooklyn GG Supreme High-Top Sneakers, Red Patent Leather Classic Jumbo Double Flap Bag - goes through an verification process by branded goods. This is done by using a special ENTRUPY optical apparatus as the additional equipment for this purpose. The final result will also be based on more than ten years of our own practical experience in the branch of designer goods.
What does selling are pre-owned high-end accessories look like? The vendor showcases their unit Crystal Black Pumps, Check 65/S SLJ Sunglasses, Boy Denim Small Bag on the The Selluxury online store website. As soon as a buyer is found, the object must be posted to our central office for the verification and condition check.
We are working worldwide, offering the possibility of sending the sold goods to Switzerland, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Vatican City, Togo. The package can be posted to the closest main office of your preference.
If the verification succeeds, we transfer the payment instantly to the merchant, and the creation are dispatched to the payee.
From the subsection Grey Tiffany & Co. Bags of this catalogue one can buy luxury items from the pre-owned market by selecting specific parameters. We sell highly trendy product categories, always providing a huge assortment for any fashion-connoisseur’s approach and budget.
The Selluxury provides more than fifty of the top most sought-after designers from vendors all over the world. The assortment of our online shop second hand luxury items includes such outstanding firmsas Panerai, Herve Leger, Tom Ford. This makes Selluxury the favourite marketplace for buying and selling high-end fashion houses.