The Selluxury shopping platform is the best assistant for purchasing unnew items of fashion brands at reasonable fee. Our online retail provides buying options for true luxury items have been previously used.
We offer profitable deals on used luxury products, both for merchants and fashionistas, all over the world.
Any original creation - from the section Turquoise Tom Ford Bags: Uniform Caviar Black 2.55 Belt Bag, Louis Vuitton Keepall Bandouliere 55 Damier Ebene, Blue Leather Python Bow Block Pumps - goes through an authenticating process by luxury creations. This is done by using a specialized ENTRUPY microscope as the device for this procedure. The final result will also be derived from more than 10 years of our own working experience in the field of original goods.
What does selling process have been previously used lux creations look like? The vendor offers their unit Coco Handle Caviar Large, Madras Leather 1t774l 034 F0002 Booties, Gucci Leather Small Soho Disco Bag on the The online platform website. When a purchaser has been found, the product must be posted to our central office for the verification and physical check-up.
We are working all over the world, offering the opportunity of shipping the sold goods to Norway, Tunisia, Palau, Venezuela. The order can be posted to the closest headquarters of your choosing.
If the verification succeeds, we transfer the finances at once to the merchant, and the creation are posted to the customer.
From the category Turquoise Tom Ford Bags of this catalogue one can find original items from the pre-owned market by selecting specific options. We stock very popular product categories, constantly offering a wide choice for any fashion-lover’s approach and wallet.
The Selluxury sells more than 50 of the top most fashionable fashion companies from vendors all over the world. The assortment of our sales platform unnew luxury items includes such well-known brandsas Charlotte Olympia, Van Cleef & Arpels, Emilio Pucci. This makes Selluxury the most renowned marketplace for buying and selling limited fashion houses.